About Us

About Us–What Does our Watershed Association Do?

Crafts Creek Spring Hill brook Watershed Association is dedicated to restoring, protecting and enhancing the health of streams, wildlife and humans in our watershed through Education, Monitoring and Stewardship.

The Crafts Creek Spring Hill Brook Watershed Association, Inc. is a legally formed entity that was organized in February 2005 by a small group of citizens concerned about the degradation of one of Mansfield’s watersheds due to mismanaged development of hundreds of acres in an adjoining township.  This group of citizens felt the need to protect Mansfield’s remaining watersheds as well as to protect what remains of the degraded watershed.  The goals of the Association are fourfold:

  1. To promote environmental education;
  2. To train citizens as participants in on-going stream monitoring;
  3. To enhance the ecosystems and the health of wildlife and human inhabitants in these watersheds; and
  4. To enjoy fulfilling the above goals as we interact with nature in training, stream monitoring, and in stream clean-up activities.

We are a non-profit association with a 501 (c) (3) status. We are made up of volunteers who are donating their time, effort, talent, and personal finances. We are now able to apply for grants to aid us in accomplishing our goals. If you would like to join our association or make a donation to assist in our efforts to protect our township’s watersheds and environment for the present and future generations, please fill out the membership form at the end of this newsletter.

(Originally written by Marion Tallon, June 2005 in Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 and updated by Debbie Pinto)